
Weergaven: 472

Op deze pagina is de volgende indeling gemaakt:

  • proefschrift Gerrit Hooijer:”Cysteus ovariële follikels bij melkkoeien. Behandeling, erfelijkheid en epidemiologie
  • vijf losse publicaties uit het onderzoek
  • presentaties internationale congressen
  • drie publicaties uit het promotie-onderzoek van Joachim Lübbo Kleen, dat is uitgevoerd in de Dierenartsenpraktijk Mid-Frsylân te Akkrum
  • publicatie in het kader van het lopende promotie-onderzoek “Sense of sensors in transition management” met Peter Hut als promovendus
  • diverse publicaties in samenwerking met faculteit Diergeneeskunde Utrecht, Royal GD, CRV, en FrieslandCampina.

Publicaties proefschrift (voor het volledige proefschrift klik hier)

Hooijer GA, Frankena K, Valks MM, Schuring M. Treatment of cystic ovarian in dairy cows with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone: a field study. Vet Q. 1999 Jan;21(1)33-7.

Hooijer GA, Lubbers RB, Duco BJ, van Arendonk JA, Kaal-Lansbergen LM, van der Lende T. Genetic parameters for cystic ovarian disease in Dutch black and white dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci. 2001 Jan;84(1): 286-91.

Hooijer GA, van Oijen MA, Frankena K, Valks MM. Fertility parameters of dairy cows with cystic ovarian disease after treatment with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone. Vet Rec. 2001 Sep 29;149(13):383-6.

Hooijer GA, van Oijen MA, Frankena K, Noordhuizen JP. Milk production parameters in early lactation: potential risk factors of cystic ovarian disease in Dutch dairy cows. Livest Prod Sci. 2003(81):25-33.

Hooijer GA, van Oijen MA, Frankena K, Noordhuizen JP. Influence of negative energy balance on the reproductive performance after treatment of cystic ovarian disease with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone in dairy cows. J Vet Med A Physiol Patol Clin Med. 2005 Aug;52(6):298-304.

Presentaties internationale congressen

Hooijer GA, Sampimon OJ. Early monitoring of udder health dynamics: A practical approach. Oral presentation World Buiatrics Congres, Nice 2006.

Hooijer GA. Cow Compass: a Dutch monitoring system of risk factors of the production process of milk in dairy herds. Middle European Buiatrics Congress, Budapest 2015.

Hooijer GA. Inter calving interval. A herd health approach. World Congress on Controversies in Bovine Health Industry & Economics, Berlijn 2015.

Hooijer GA. Infertility versus production. World Congress on Controversies in Bovine Health Industry & Economics, Berlijn 2015.

Hooijer GA. Welfare versus production. World Congress on Controversies in Bovine Health Industry & Economics, Berlijn 2015.

Publicaties promotie-onderzoek dr. Joachim Lübbo Kleen, uitgevoerd in de Dierenartsenpraktijk Mid-Fryslân, Akkrum)

Kleen JL, Hooijer GA, Rehage J, Noordhuizen JP. Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA): a review. J Vet Med A Physiol Patol Clin Med. 2003 Oct;50(8):406-14.

Kleen JL, Hooijer GA, Rehage J, Noordhuizen, JP. Rumenocentesis (rumen puncture): a viable instrument in herd health diagnosis. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr. 2004 Dec;111(12):458-62.

Kleen JL, Hooijer GA, Rehage J, Noordhuizen JP. Subacute ruminal acidosis in Dutch dairy herds. Vet Rec. 2009 May 30;(22):681-3.

Publicaties promotie-onderzoek Peter Hut (faculteit Diergeneeskunde)

Hut, P R, Mulder, A, van den Broek, J, Hulsen, J H J L, Hooijer, G A, Stassen, E N, van Eerdenburg, F J C M & Nielen, M (01-08-2019). Sensor based eating time variables of dairy cows in the transition period related to the time to first service. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 169, (pp. 104694).

P.R. Hut, M.M. Hostens, M.J. Beijaard, F.J.C.M.van Eerdenburg, J.H.J.L. Hulsen, G.A. Hooijer, E.N. Stassen, M. Nielen (13-2-2021). Associations between body condition score, locomotion score, and sensor-based time budgets of dairy cattle during the dry period and early lactation. Journal of Dairy Science, 104 (

Diverse onderwerpen

Hooijer GA, de Haas Y, Horneman M. Cell count ananlysis-dynamics in the “stop” light of PIR-DAP. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd. 2008 Apr 15;133(8):340-1.

Hut, P.R., Vos, P.L.A.M., Hooijer, G.A., de Neck, S.M. & Jurgens, B. (13-08-2017). Congenital diplomyelia and hydromyelia in two calves. Veterinary Record Case Reports, 2017 (5) (4 p.).

Brouwer, H, Stegeman, Arjan, Straatsma, J W, Hooijer, Gerrit & van Schaik, Gerdien (01-11-2015). The validity of a monitoring system based on routinely collected dairy cattle health data relative to a standardized herd check. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 122 (1-2), (pp. 76-82) (7 p.).

Ifende, V.I., Derks, M., Hooijer, G.A. & Hogeveen, H. (06-09-2014). Financial aspects of veterinary herd health management programmes. Veterinary Record, 175 (9) (7 p.).

Olde Riekerink, R. G M, van Amersfort, K., Sampimon, O. C., Hooijer, G. A. & Lam, T. J G M (01-01-2014). Short communication: Prevalence, risk factors, and a field scoring system for udder cleft dermatitis in Dutch dairy herds. Journal of Dairy Science, 97 (8), (pp. 5007-5011) (5 p.).

Haifang Ni, Irene Klugkist, Saskia van der Drift, Ruurd Jorritsma, Gerrit Hooijer, Mirjam Nielen. Expert opinion as priors for random effects in Bayesian prediction models: Subclinical ketosis in dairy cows as an example. PLoS ONE 2021:16(1): e0244752.